Olivia the honey bear
dona 10 comidas
Los precios incluyen el IVA + todos los gastos de importación
Envío gratuito a partir de €85
About Olivia
Birthday: June 16th
Did you know that even the most spectacular flowers start as a tiny seed? I love to tend my garden and watch each stem stretch towards the big, warm sun. You and I are just like those seeds, you know. Our dreams may start small, but together we’ll grow, grow, grow!
Favorite quote: “Bloom into who you are meant to be.”
Objetivo: Proporcionar un millón de comidas al año.
1 doll provides 10 meals to children in North America and around the world.
Fabric and Features:
- Hand knit doll with premium 100% cotton yarn
- High stitch count for durability and softness
- Premium felt and knit details
- Stuffed with hypoallergenic polyfill to be the ideal cuddle weight
- Safe + non-toxic: US + Canadian safety standard certified
- Available in two sizes: little 13" and regular 20" in height
- Signature 10 meal wristband
- Handmade in Peru using sustainable, fair trade practices
Resumen del producto
Birthday: June 16th
Did you know that even the most spectacular flowers start as a tiny seed? I love to tend my garden and watch each stem stretch towards the big, warm sun. You and I are just like those seeds, you know. Our dreams may start small, but together we’ll grow, grow, grow!
Favourite quote: “Bloom into who you are meant to be.”
Objetivo: Proporcionar un millón de comidas al año.
- Tejido a mano con hilo de algodón 100% de primera calidad
- alto número de puntadas para mayor durabilidad y suavidad
- detalles de fieltro y punto de primera calidad
- Relleno de polyfill hipoalergénico para que sea el peso ideal para acurrucarse
- Seguro y no tóxico: Certificado de seguridad estadounidense y canadiense
- disponible en dos tamaños: pequeño 13" y Tamaño Estándar 20" de altura
- pulsera de 10 comidas de la firma
- hechos a mano en Perú con prácticas de comercio justo y sostenible